I'm Clark and this is my English 101 blag. And now I officially have no idea what to write about.

Friday, October 8, 2010

It'll Rot Your Brain!

            I find it hard to make a definite statement of whether I agree or disagree with this statement. I feel that television is really the greatest thing in the world, but I also know that it is very necessary to our society. I would estimate I watch about 3-4 hours of TV every day, but I usually turn it on just to have something in the background; I very rarely sit down to watch a show.

Dexter has to be one of my favorite TV shows, hands down.
            The way I see it, television does serve a very important purpose to society. TV provides us information at a speed that was unheard of before radio was invented. And what was radio used fro in the beginning? A way to transmit news to America at a very fast speed. Imagine September 11th  happening again, but this time, all of America is huddled around radios listening to hurried descriptions of the scene or even reading about it days later in the newspaper. 
            But then again, television does a lot of harm. The correlation of violence on television and crime rates in real life is a usual and true example of the effect of television on our youth.  Commercials and political ads pollute the airwaves and entire hours of airtime to gossiping bout celebrities and running the rumor mills 24/7.

            To sum everything up, I feel that television does a lot of good, but at the same time does a lot of bad. Maybe we as consumers should know what to believe and what not to. We should raise our kids to be able to be entertained with more fulfilling activities than watching TV. More times than not parents plop their kids down with the remote and let the people on the magic box do all of their parenting. This sort of garbage learning needs to change and then, television will be wholesome for once.

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