I'm Clark and this is my English 101 blag. And now I officially have no idea what to write about.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Advertising and Me.

For the most part, I believe advertising does affect all of us in some way. Whether these ads convince us to buy their product or not, the name or at least the function of what is being advertised to us is in our memory. Granted, many of us would like to feel that ads do not change how we feel about a product, but that’s not always the case. Even if an ad doesn’t inspire us to go out and buy a product, we have formed some opinion of the product. Whether we like it or not, these companies know the right ways to get in our head and when the right time to strike is.

The process of analyzing ads that we have gone through in class has only re-ignited my critical eye for all the ads I encounter on a daily basis. For instance I was listening to NPR recently and have noticed just how much of their airtime is used to urge listeners for donations. I also noted that the pleas for money her not set up as the usual radio commercial, the DJ’s simply would continue right into a donation spiel at the end of his sentences. These pitches really convey the need for money; I actually felt bad for not contributing money. At that time, I felt that the effects of advertising had come full circle. So yes, I did actually learn something in English class!

1 comment:

  1. Nice Ad picture. I was actually going to use the same one!

    I agree with you, it is hard to say that we can remain neutral to something after seeing an ad promoting, or discouraging, whatever subject that you were neutral on.
