I'm Clark and this is my English 101 blag. And now I officially have no idea what to write about.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Au Moulin Rogue

I chose to analyze Lautrec’s painting “Au Moulin Rouge”

To address the rhetorical situations of this piece is a pretty simple task. The purpose of the painting was to most likely show Lautrec in one of the many scenes he had painted. His works display the emerging culture at that time in France. There were grand parties and art was in high demand. Lautrec painted many scenes from this bustling part of town, Montmartre, mainly the Moulin Rogue cabaret club.
The audience of this painting was probably fellow patrons of the Moulin Rouge and others who partook in the lifestyle of Montmartre. Perhaps these same people would own a copy of one of Lautrec’s works and have it in their home.
The genre of this work is, in it’s original form, an oil painting. The media of “Au Moulin Rouge” is of course visual.
The stance is probably one of support for the Moulin Rouge and for the lifestyle of the time. France was busting with talent and the scene in Montmartre at the time was probably very similar to the culture in 1920’s Chicago and New York, without the mobsters.

I find Lautrec’s story a pretty sad and I feel that for him to die at such a young age is a tragedy. I can only imagine the inner-demons he had to wrestle with. Plus what little fame he did garner was probably pretty equal with strangers still remarking on his appearance. And yet, Lautrec was involved in one of the most in-flux times in French culture and probably enjoyed the things many “fun” things he got to partake in. Perhaps Lautrec faced the same depression that Jay Gatsby did in The Great Gatsby; despite being offered the best the time had to offer, still found loneliness and despondency in his life.
But still, Lautrec’s work features bright colors and very jovial scenes. Maybe he really did enjoy his life. One can only judge so much when all that is left are a man’s paintings and assumed notions of his life.


  1. Good choice on the painting, I did the same one...they're all very interesting.

  2. i like the painting that you have chosen to evaluate. toulouse-latrec was a very talented and eccentric person. i'm sure that his deformity and odd appearance resulted in emotional issues, but i think that's the very thing that enhanced his creativity.
