I'm Clark and this is my English 101 blag. And now I officially have no idea what to write about.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Must Be The Season Of The Witch

Overall, I’m pretty okay with Halloween. There are a lot of inventive costumes out there, and I really enjoy creepy stories, the thought that ghosts are real and all that freaky supernatural junk. I love carving pumpkins and am still kind of sad that I didn’t do one this year.

I guess I just don’t have a lot of respect for people who don’t try to have special costumes for the occasion. I mean, if you’re going to do it, do it to the max. The cliché costumes that are dragged out every year do nothing for me too. I want to see effort put into costumes, not just some lame rag you’ve been wearing for years,

As to trick or treating as I kid, I went out until I was around 13 or so. I enjoyed dressing up and going around, but I guess I just grew out of it.  After awhile it just seemed silly and I honestly didn’t have the effort to really do anything over the top.

Costume for Senior Dress-Up Day last year
Can't you just feel the manliness?
Wouldn’t say I have any fond memories, because I usually just went out alone, in homemade costumes, in my neighborhood, which is pretty removed from where my friends live. So I just went around, got a pillowcase full of candy, and went home to sort through my haul.

I will say that my favorite candy was probably Dots, Reese’s Cups and any sort of Dark Chocolate that anyone was fancy enough to give out. I hate gum more than anything and had no drive whatsoever to eat any of those cheap knockoff jawbreakers that some people gave out.

1 comment:

  1. Good post Clark. I agree on the trick or treating deal, everybody grows out of it.
