I'm Clark and this is my English 101 blag. And now I officially have no idea what to write about.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Just ’cause you’re hungry doesn’t mean that you’re lean"

Audio Track via YouTube I would reccomend watching this first
Official Music Video via YouTube Same song, but just with crazy stuff hapening in the video.

For my "Music Blog" this week, I have chosen “Drunk Girls” by LCD Soundsystem. Contrary to what you may deduce from the title, this song is pretty clean and is just a fun, quick jam. It seems like bands like LCD Soundsystem are popping up everywhere these days; between the popularity of MGMT and the slowly raising fame of Passion Pit, electronic pop/rock music is finding its place on the BillBoard 100.

The main reason I enjoy this song so much is it is just plain fun. The tempo is fast, and at a pace to dance to. The lyrics are entertaining and have a great cynical ring to them; the chorus is catchy and simple, and even shouting “Drunk Girls!” every few seconds is entertaining. I’ve listened to LCD Soundsystem a lot lately, mostly driving to and from school these past weeks, so I guess I associate the song with the kind of free and headstrong attitude tied to college and becoming an adult. Not that I party often, I just like to have a good time, no matter how boring life is at the given moment.

Now, in regards to the “rhetorical situations” we’ve learned about lately in class, I will break down the song into the five elements we have been studying. First is the songs’ purpose. I feel that the main purpose of the song is to entertain and just fun. The audience of “Drunk Girls” is probably anyone who has ever been drunk themselves, or been around someone who is drunk and how hilarious the situation can be.  On the same not as the target audience, it seems the stance of the song is just to show how absurd each gender is when they are inebriated. The song has a sense of despair when the vocalist states that drunk girls “need a lover that is smarter than me,” and shows some laments about love when he compares love to astronauts, stating love “comes back, but its never the same.

The song is written as a quick electric romp with very simple lyrical structure, probably placing its genre somewhere close to the “3-minute single” used in modern pop music. Finally, the medium of “Drunk Girls” is obviously a song. But as mentioned, this track stands out from other songs by the artist; it is fast paced has a striking chorus. Most of the other tracks by LCD Soundsystem still retain the snarky lyrics like in “Drunk Girls” but are languid and take a very long time to reach any sort of crescendo.

Overall, “Drunk Girls” is a quick loud rank about what traits unite us and the personality quirks that make us different. I know that every time it is spit out by shuffle on my Zune, I instinctively crank the volume up. I can only hope you enjoy the track as much as I do.

1 comment:

  1. I think that this song might have been written by tone deaf people.
